To blog or not to blog

Sexy sisters in Singapore
Well, after suddenly discovering that I was surrounded by people who blog (both my sisters, most of my friends and even my boyfriend) I started wondering why has weblogging suddenly become so popular?
A whole subculture of faceless nameless people communicating with boldly stated prejudice, opinions, ideas and questions – is it the security of being able to anonymously air your opinions? Or the power you feel when stating your ideas stripped bare of all the PC fluff you need to avoid lawsuits these days? Perhaps it’s the rush of pride you feel knowing that what you think has been put out there for anyone to view – you’re famous (well, failing that, at least you’re published!)
After speaking to a few people, I’ve discovered it can all be boiled down to one common factor - boredom!
One of my sisters has nothing to do at work, so she regularly updates her blog with all the exciting stuff she does in her personal time. My other sister is still at uni, and has so much time to spare in the three months of holidays she gets every summer, she can update her blog weekly, despite our snailspeed dysfunctional dial up. And my boyfriend has taken time out of his daily solitaire sessions at work to view his bare blog… Me, I’ve just returned to the office after a month long holiday, have nothing to do, and am hiding from the managers that assign me work – perfect for daily blogging!
But the biggest rush of all from blogging is when you discover that someone actually read your thoughts and was kind enough to comment! Yay! Thanks Jase & Syl! :)
Man, Wayne, you sound soooo sleazy!!!
Thu Jan 20, 02:23:00 PM
Hey! Which sister did you "touch"... Jess was complaining one night abt being mutilated... must've been you wayno!!!
Thu Jan 20, 03:39:00 PM
Err... I think I may have been the one who got touched? Or did the touching? *shamefaced grin*... But it could've been Manda coz she plays touch too! (we're a very close family)
And gonad-ski! I have the time to update daily but I also have the discipline to not do so. It takes effort (both things). But I try not to update daily, otherwise people would know that I sit and xanga all day... every day... ... in between playing spider.......
Sat Jan 22, 09:23:00 PM
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