Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Is my boyfriend gay?

Click on the link, and tell me what you think!

Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, its just that I would prefer it if my boyfriend didn’t leave me for a younger man…

My boyfriend being gay has been a popular topic for discussion between my sisters and mum, and has also been considered by some of my extended family. His impeccable personal habits were the trigger for these concerns - his monthly facials, weekly exfoliation, identical pairs of black shoes, love of cooking and his penchant for fine dining, fine clothes, and anything else that can reasonably be preceeded by the word “fine”. Especially when compared to my messy room, and general disregard for hygiene…

However, I had no question in my mind over his sexual orientation... At least, not until today, when I saw him partaking in an eat-in wheatgrass shot with one of his newest close "friends" - Jason. Just seeing the two of them standing casually at the counter, skulling their two wheatgrass shots in synch sparked a jab of worry in my tummy. The way they both held their elbows out at identical angles (as if the wheatgrass shot was extremely delicate) initiated the flashing red lights and continuous emergency beeps of my gay-dar…

After chatting to my ultrametrosexual-friend Clinton, I thought maybe HT is just ultra-ULTRA-metrosexual, almost off the scale in fact. Started me wondering how exactly you can tell if your (boy)friend is gay or metrosexual…So, I turned to the trusty google to help me make up my own mind. Clinton – you’re right, he’s not gay!!!

metrosexual (met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul) n. An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.This definition was found at:

The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis — because that's where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference. Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere.—Mark Simpson, "Meet the metrosexual,", July 22, 2002

Hmmm.... Tony?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Natty!

Sprung.. didnt think you'd get a comment yet did you?

Anyway love your entries (well the 2 so far anyway!) but have to make a correction on your latest one.
Clinton would not be classified as a ultrametrosexual! Not even a Metrosexual... He's no where close! Real genuine Metro's would NOT wear those old skool trackies with elastics at the bottom, or wear bright fluro ORANGE and GREEN shirts (or shoes!) in public. For a metro that would be the biggest sin (ask Jason)..

Keep blogging apprentice
-Syl (snow friend)

Wed Jan 19, 03:35:00 PM

Blogger sharzy said...

Hi Natty!! So, what is the 'general' consensus? Do women prefer metrosexuals? Or a machosexuals?

I recently read a SMH article where they were saying, Men do not want an equal. More or less saying the more independent a woman becomes, the harder it is for her to find a man.

Here's a quote from Carrie "Princess Leia" Fisher in the article, "I gave up on dating powerful men because they wanted to date women in the service professions. So I decided to date guys in the service professions. But then I found out that kings want to be treated like kings, and consorts want to be treated like kings, too."

Thu Jan 20, 12:19:00 PM

Blogger Bex said...

har-har! Sucked into blogness!

That description of a metrosexual sounds like HT. I had to chuckly out aloud when I got the image of jaysun and HT throwing down wheatgrass shots together (and throwing back up for some). HT might be a wanna-be trannie after your excellent photoshop skills though!

Since shar has suddenly started quoting Princess Leia(WTF?!), I will advise you to consult Clinton's 'yoda' doll - you ask it a question and he gives you an answer, and as the box promises "it might not be the answer you want to hear but it's the answer you NEED to hear".

Thu Jan 20, 02:04:00 PM

Blogger gnatski said...

hey - i forgot abt those photos, will have to add one for demonstration of why i was so worried!!! this blogging stuff is hard work... where do you guys get the inspiration for your funky stories?!

Thu Jan 20, 03:38:00 PM


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