Karaoke Obsession

It is generally accepted worldwide that if you have black hair and dark brown eyes and hark from the SE Asia area, you are a karaoke king or queen (or both in the case of Jason). But I have to ask, why do us Asians have such an affinity for the mike?
Reason 1: Oppressive childhood, born from the genetically inherited inferiority complex of our parents
As an expert asian (ie I am one, and I know many), I can say with confidence that majority of us have had a repressed childhood. Parents forbidding us to watch TV past 8pm, not getting an allowance, being forced to learn piano/violin, studying algebra at the age of 8, endless family social occasions where EVERYONE seemed to be my aunty (even Aunty Hannah McAllistar), and hours of putdowns from your parents when they thought you weren’t around (nooooo, my one not so smart lah, not like your Angie – she can already shee-shee in the potty and pin her own nappies back up, wor).
Karaoke gives us all a chance to defy our strict upbringing, and show our parents (friends standing in as quasi family) once and for all that we are in fact BRILLIANT, and could have been a rich, famous pop star if only they hadn’t been so strict.
Hmmm… I can’t think of any other reasons…
I really do love karaoke. Was so happy at my Sydney bday party (organised by Syl) cos of all the people that turned up, but also cos of the 3 hours we spent at the Karaoke centre… But I really need to get my karaoke portfolio together to make sure my songs get picked… (see the ultimate Karaoke Rules at http://www.ahbeng.net/).
I spent 2 hours before the party playing singstar at home, and another 1 hour practising singstar afterwards (HT fell asleep watching me). Guess this is quite sad, but I can't help it - I'm obsessed with hearing myself sing!!! Am geared up for the next singstar party, or even just the next time I see HT’s Playstation!
Singstar is better with the immediate feedback of the squiggly line – it means no matter how bad I sound, as long as I hit the notes, I can delude myself into thinking that really, I am a “rising star” (woohoo Maroon5 – This Love AND Video killed the Radio Star!)
Reason 1: Oppressive childhood, born from the genetically inherited inferiority complex of our parents
As an expert asian (ie I am one, and I know many), I can say with confidence that majority of us have had a repressed childhood. Parents forbidding us to watch TV past 8pm, not getting an allowance, being forced to learn piano/violin, studying algebra at the age of 8, endless family social occasions where EVERYONE seemed to be my aunty (even Aunty Hannah McAllistar), and hours of putdowns from your parents when they thought you weren’t around (nooooo, my one not so smart lah, not like your Angie – she can already shee-shee in the potty and pin her own nappies back up, wor).
Karaoke gives us all a chance to defy our strict upbringing, and show our parents (friends standing in as quasi family) once and for all that we are in fact BRILLIANT, and could have been a rich, famous pop star if only they hadn’t been so strict.
Hmmm… I can’t think of any other reasons…
I really do love karaoke. Was so happy at my Sydney bday party (organised by Syl) cos of all the people that turned up, but also cos of the 3 hours we spent at the Karaoke centre… But I really need to get my karaoke portfolio together to make sure my songs get picked… (see the ultimate Karaoke Rules at http://www.ahbeng.net/).
I spent 2 hours before the party playing singstar at home, and another 1 hour practising singstar afterwards (HT fell asleep watching me). Guess this is quite sad, but I can't help it - I'm obsessed with hearing myself sing!!! Am geared up for the next singstar party, or even just the next time I see HT’s Playstation!
Singstar is better with the immediate feedback of the squiggly line – it means no matter how bad I sound, as long as I hit the notes, I can delude myself into thinking that really, I am a “rising star” (woohoo Maroon5 – This Love AND Video killed the Radio Star!)

Hey! Shameless self promotion! You can't use my blog to post comments like that!!!
Thu Jan 20, 05:25:00 PM
hey Nat, let me know when the next Singstar party is, and I'll beee therrrrrrrrrrre. If only they had that song! We gotta master all those songs we've never heard of from Singstar Party! Golllllldddddddddddddd!!!
Wed Feb 02, 02:58:00 PM
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