Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Who's your best friend?

I was thinking the other day, what makes someone your “Best Friend”? Is it someone you hang out with all the time? Or the person you call when you’re in trouble? Is it the person you’ve known for the longest amount of time? Is there some sort of etiquette, where you must be better friends with the person you’ve known the longest, rather than the person you know the best?

So, I’ve made a quick survey that you can do to figure out who is your bestest friend of all. Don’t cheat! If you’re gonna do it, you can’t read it first, otherwise it won’t work…

  1. VIP list – ok, choose the party you’d most like to have … lets say it’s a pool party… if you were having a pool party and could only invite say 5 people, who would you invite? They don’t have to get along with each other, so long they get along with you. Put these 5 people at the top of your list.
  2. Hanging out time – Rank the 5 ppl in order of how much time you spend with them (this includes how much time you spend talking to them – extra weighting if you paid for the call – but does not include any time you spend talking ABOUT them to others. Extra weighting also if you would actually drive across Sydney to go see them with no particular plans in mind. Disregard all hours spent at dragonboat training)
  3. Who’s your bailer – extra points to the one you call to bail you out. Think of the last time you were really stuck. Maybe your car broke down, or you ran out of money, or some gay guy was trying to hug you on NYE, or you weren’t invited to a party and needed to pretend you were busy, or you WERE invited to a party but you didn’t want to go … who did you call? Who bailed you out?
  4. Known time – how long have you known this person? Ok, now minus all those years you spent avoiding them… And take away the years you spent complaining about them… Now totally disregard that number, cos it doesn’t mean anything.

AND YOUR BEST FRIEND IS… the first person you thought of when trying to answer question 1.


Blogger sharzy said...

Guess who my best friend is????? Sooo shocking! ;)

Wed Feb 02, 03:01:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi nubbly nat. i decided i'd check out your blogger coz everybody else is sleeping and you're upstairs having a shower so I've got nothing to do...

Wed Feb 02, 11:06:00 PM

Blogger gnatski said...

... shar who is your best friend??? i was thinking maybe some ppl would put me down first cos it was my blog! hahaha :)
wayno you'll have to speak to jase abt the pool party... esp now he has an official invite to europe!
maybe blog mentions should be # 5...

Thu Feb 03, 06:37:00 PM

Blogger Bex said...

I honestly used to think the person you've known the longest and shared the most with is your 'bestie'. HOWEVER, as I grow up - I have made the sometimes upsetting discovery, that this isn't the case and there are no 'bestie' rights associated with 'length of friendship'. Anyway I think it's whoever you think you can trust your most torrid secrets with. I dont think

I notice that YOU didnt play your own little game, Gnat and so no one else has bothered to actually list any of their top 5 VIP list! ha! Where did you get this thing from? some bad chain email? hehe.

Fri Feb 04, 12:26:00 AM

Blogger jediclinto said...

how bout who u can always count on to have a shot (or 3) with! *clinto sticks up the 3 finger salute*... u are & always will be in my top 5 alive natty poo! plus the fact that i'm actually reading ur blog in my anti-blog phase should get me some bonus points rite??? i used to use my mobile phone bill as a indication of top 5 but that's just silly... i don't really believe in bestest friends anymore (?) i think i'd expect too much from them soo i just settle for some cool friends you can grow old with and that stand the test of time...

Fri Feb 04, 12:26:00 AM

Blogger jediclinto said...

how bout friends who post comments at EXACTLY the same date + time!! omg!! freaky!! they gotta get some rating man!!

Fri Feb 04, 12:31:00 AM

Blogger Bex said...

It's the 'urban' cosmic connection!! URB!!!!!

Fri Feb 04, 12:37:00 AM

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