Does Jason remind you of a telly tubby? (Or is it just me?)
Yes, you guessed it, yet ANOTHER night of karaoke!
Its been a while since my last update, cos I’ve just been so busy with work and KARAOKE. Sat 2 wks ago was fantastic, but I gotta say that the Karaoke just last w/end with the normals (Jason, Becky & HT) and Kim, Mel & Tiff was even better! Think it may have been Tiff’s singing/dancing ensemble… or the sexy Chinese mums singing “what a feeling” (go the full sequin dresses) or maybe just cos everyone was a karaoke virgin, and so they kept offering the mike to me (yay!). Actually, think it was cos everyone was so chilled and having so much fun :)
Anyways, a great night!
Gotta also mention the fun I had at the V-day POPP party - pigging out on Becky's mega gourmet sandwiches and Syls yummy viet summer rolls YUM! trying to swim to the shark net (when i think of it now, its quite stupid!), and learning how to catch waves at the totally flat Nielsen Park! Was so much fun... Marissa, reason i was lying on the sand like a beached whale after catching those "huge" waves in cos was my top sorta came off, so I was hiding myself while doing vital adjustments... hahaha
Nat - you shouldn't have worried, there were lots of other women who were bare breasted and the nudist beach was around the corner...
Tue Feb 15, 11:25:00 PM
You LURVE it! :-p~
BTW i posted that hongkie picture of you. HONGKIE!!!
Wed Feb 16, 01:29:00 PM
I thought it was because you were attempting to wake up your 'numb' breastessess ;p
Fri Feb 18, 08:35:00 PM
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